Project Description Please share your Chatbots with the other students! Sharing is caring. What are you using your Chatbots for? Your Business? Your Clients? Please share! Love Robin & Jesper
Facebook Messenger Chatbots is today the most effective marketing technique to collect leads, convert users, and educate customers with automated conversations. Yes! Automated - Once you've set up your or your clients chatbot.. The Chatbot is collecting leads, converting messenger users to customers & even educating customers about your brand, products & services 24/7 without you doing anything.
The Smart Phone Era: People are today stuck to their phone - that's not an surprise for you.. People are also communicating with friends, family & new people online. The best way we as Marketers can use this information is to become someone people want to communicate with!
If People Like You - People Want To Buy From You.
That's true! People buy products & services from brands they feel a connection to. What is the best way to connect with people over the phone? Communication. And by far the best way to reach people is by communicating through the biggest platform Facebook & the bigger chat app Messenger. And why not automate the whole conversation part by creating a Chatbot that are doing the Marketing for us? Well... That's actually a great idea!
After This Course You'll Be Able To
Build Your Own Facebook Messenger Chatbots
Build Facebook Messenger Chatbots For Clients
This Course is for anyone wanting to accelerate their Business and/or Career with the latest & most effective Marketing techniques out there today!
Once you've build your Chatbot - the Chatbot is collecting leads, selling products and/or services & even educating your customers on a daily basis without you having to do anything.
The Best Of All: You don't need any coding experience - this course is build without a single code. Join us & start building your first Chatbot!
Robin & Jesper
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